Useful Tips for Feeding Your Sick Dog

Dogs love to eat, play, and eat some more. A significant indicator that your dog is sick is the refusal to eat anything or play catch with you. Loss of appetite accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever are serious symptoms that should be checked by a veterinarian. Unfortunately, if the dog doesn't eat, he will most likely get sicker and weaker, so you have to feed them. Here are four ways to help your dog eat even when they don't want to. Read More 

Why You Need to Be Worried about Parvovirus If You’re Getting a New Dog

If you're thinking about adding a four-legged member to your family, you may be looking forward to many years of happiness with "man's best friend." Yet before you go ahead, you should make sure that your new puppy is as healthy as possible and that you protect him or her from a number of different risks ahead. In particular, you have to make sure that they do not contract the potentially lethal parvovirus. Read More 

Intestinal Parasites: Protecting Your Canine Pet From Worms

Intestinal worms are small, but they can wreak havoc on your pet's health. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you have taken all possible precautions to prevent these infections in your dog. The common types of parasites that affect canine pets include tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms and roundworms. The symptoms after infection can vary according to the specific worms, but the signs often include diarrhoea, vomiting, faecal blood and general poor appearance. Read More 

Is Your Veterinarian the Right Choice?

Choosing a vet is a personal decision based on what you want for your pet and how intensively you want to manage their health. Some people take their pets for regular check-ups every few months, while others are content to stay away from vets until they need to use their services. Even if you're someone who doesn't take their pet to the vets frequently, doing some research before you need to go to a clinic with your pet will pay off. Read More 

Three ways to keep your new kitten healthy

If you have just gotten a kitten, here are three things you can do to keep them healthy. Get them vaccinated One of the most effective ways to ensure that your kitten remains healthy throughout the course of their life is to have your local vet vaccinate them. Vaccinations can help to prevent your pet from developing serious illnesses that could not only reduce their quality of life but that could also significantly shorten their lifespan. Read More